Saturday, September 27, 2008

Speed Dating started with an email from a friend that was living in London. I was in Lisbon preparing to move to London. I was looking for a job and a house. He wrote “existe uma serie de websites para houseshares e trabalhos, um dos mais populares e la consegues procurar casa, trabalho e ate namoradas!!!”. I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t.
In London I discovered that you find ads for dating everywhere: facebook, time-out even in the guardian…
I’ve never dated before… I just know dates from Hollywood movies… So I decided to discover this cultures so different from my own dating. What is behind dating: loneliness, ability to know other people, love, sex… How does a person relate to dates when he only knows then from movies.

1 comment:

rosy marshal said...

Experiencing speed date is very good, I will give you some information how to make you first date worth it. If you want to refer from movies then Hitch, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Shoppen - a German movie on speed dating which shows very good information how the speed dating works.
speed dating London